Welcome to Kyle's 2017-2018 Website!

Another great year, another great website

Hello! My name is Kyle Tam and welcome to my 2017-2018 GITA website! I am in GITA 3, the third course of Computer Science that mainly focuses on Flash animation and coding. I believe it to be a blend of HTML and new elements from Flash itself, calling back previous skills from GITA 2. It has been a rough start so far in learning a new coding environment/stage, but I hope to continue to make great projects and post them here! I find my favorite academic subjects to be Language Arts and History, which is ironic for a student in GITA who should favor Math and Science! With a passion for video games, I aspire to be involved in video game development although I'm open to other career pathways as well. However, leadership and communication skills will prove to be important in the years approaching!

The journey so far from GITA 1 to now GITA 3 has covered some of the coding programs available, with Visual Studio, Notepad ++, and now Adobe Flash Professional 2007 as the ones I and my fellow classmates have explored and interacted with. GITA 1 was a slow yet great introduction to Computer Science, whether for a new or experienced student. I had no previous knowledge of Computer Science, but now I'm pursuing for more intricate coding for overall better projects. Although this goal may be insurmountable for an individual who is tackling multiple rigorous courses, I hope to at least achieve previous goals that I set for myself: that of obtaining a coding "skill set" that may potentially aid me in my career, whether a video game developer or something else.

The significance of leadership skills throughout high school becomes more increasingly noticeable with its role in communication and career pathways. I still strive toward volunteering in any way I am capably possible in the attempt to build upon my leadership skills. As an introverted individual, it is a daunting task that does challenge my ability to manage time efficiently and my willingness to accept these opportunities. Time management and planning proves to be essential in being successful, and I have found it to be a critical factor moving forward. The idea of college is intimidating, but optimism and self-confidence is something I desire to overcome the anxiety.

Reflecting on the past and contemplating about the future, I never could have truly got here without the help of friends, family, and teachers (like Mr. S!). The path has its obstacles, both personal and academic, and I cannot deny the value of cooperation and assistance from others. I push myself with the best efforts to do the same for others, even if the people I know are limited. In hindsight, the audacity to reach out to others, even when the progress is slow, is something I keep in mind!

Coding Applications I've used so far:
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Adobe Flash
Kyle Logo

Kyle's GITA Websites

GITA 1 Freshman Website

Freshman Year

GITA 2 Sophomore Website

Sophomore Year

GITA 3 Junior Website

Junior Year

Other Websites

Place where important websites are held!